- 1X10
- Stayed on just nose touching the target stick. The session were more to show off to my husband, Andrew, how clever Bill is so I decided to not raise the criteria :-).
Third training session 30 Nov 09
- 3X10
- On the first set I decided to move around in the kitchen.
- On the second set I decided to raise it a little bit so that he had to stretch upwards in order to reach it. All of this went fantastically well.
- On the third set I decided to slowly moving the target stick in order for him to follow it.
- I added a last set of 1X5.
- I raised the criteria far too quickly on the third set. I almost immediately got grabbing it with his mouth and sometimes he did not fully understand what I meant.
- Therefore I added a last set of only 5 repetitions where I had it still on his level in order to try and mend anything that might have gone wrong.
- Results will show in the next training session.